The following DEMOs exemplifies how WebAudioXML can be used to build various types of web audio applications.
The simpliest implementation of WebAudioXML playing a sine wave. contains a custom HTML element for easy connection to control audio parameters. This DEMO shows how it can be used to map pointer movements in a circle to control pitch and filter cutoff frequency from the angle and radius of the pointer. how to implement audio sample playback. how to control an audio sample playback with WebAudioXML. DEMO shows how to build a granular syntheziser using the AmbientAudio element. It's possible to control the start offset (loopStart), the grain size (loopLength), fadeTimes and detune. It's also possible to randomize all values. how to build an FM-synth with one carrier and one modulator oscillator using WebAudioXML. The graphical interface is build with webaudio-controls. how to build a touch controlled instrument where the X-axis controls the pitch and the Y-axis the filter cutoff. how to build a touch-controlled instrument where the musical scale is dynamically controlled by the pointer gesture. It switches between minor and major depending on the direction of the melody. how to build complex mappings between an incoming variable and the frequency output. In this example different regions on the X-axis map to either sliding pitches or musical scales. DEMO shows how WebAudioXML can be used to create a multi-purpose-slider to control music mixing. The graph indicates the levels for the different tracks and effects along the axis of slider values. WebAudioXML is a language that lets a developer configure an audio setup and specify the mapping between incoming variables (like a slider) to control one or many audio parameter (like gain or frequency). DEMO shows how animation data in a video can be mapped to generate sound effects with WebAudioXML. The project - Ficson - , managed by Kjetil Falkenberg, was on display at the Science Museum for several months during 2021-22: DEMO shows how an image recognition library (MediaPipe from Google) can be used together with WebAudioXML to build gesture controlled musical instruments: DEMO shows how multiple smartphone web-clients can be setup to send Device Orientation Data and up to five independent touches via a node.js https-server. The server uses to pass the data to a master web-page that plays audio using WebAudioXML and iMusicXML. THere are a few steps to follow in order to run the project: